The Long View Goes Further.

Kovitz provides high net worth individuals, families, institutions and financial professionals with customized asset management and advisory strategies. We focus on long-term investment solutions, backed by our own stringent research.
We treat financial planning and wealth management as active processes, working with our clients to identify and implement the decisions that suit their needs.
About Focus Financial Partners Inc.
Focus is an interdependent partnership of wealth management, business management, and related financial services firms, rooted in a client-first approach and powered by the collective energy and capabilities of its many advisors and professionals. The Focus partnership includes wholly owned firms operated under the Focus Partners brand that reflect the company’s key business lines. Through a blend of innovative solutions, strong capital backing, and deep business expertise, Focus empowers its firms to achieve their business objectives by helping them to better serve their clients and advisors. Discover more about how Focus is evolving the wealth and business management landscape by visiting
We do not seek to predict the markets. We assess a company’s or asset's intrinsic value compared to the market price and invest accordingly. We invest side-by-side with our clients.
We believe a long-term view is essential to successful investing. Our approach allows us to base our decisions on a business’ expected value multiple years in the future rather than volatile next-quarter expectations.
By focusing on intrinsic value, our goal is to generate substantial gains while minimizing downside risk. We’ve reduced the process of buying and selling securities to a discipline rather than an art.